
Terms and Conditions

Cancellation policies
If you book a hotel room via the website of The Tray Hotel and want to cancel, you can either choose to cancel the room immediately on the website or contact the phone number: +84 255 3828 555 or hotline: +84 911 120 188 for further assistance with booking cancellation
In case the customer had already made the reservation but does not stay and cancel the room: Depending on the actual situation (epidemic, natural disaster ...), the reservation department will be responsible for both sides to agree on a proper solution.
Complaints handling policies
In case of dispute arises between the buyer and the seller during the transaction (after the customer has made an online reservation on the website of The Tray Hotel.
Customers can complain directly through the website's chat bubble, or contact the hotel’s hotline: +84 255 3828 555 / +84 911 120 188 for complaint support.
Complaints of customers when received via website will be transferred to the department which in charge within 24 hours and will be resolved as soon as possible.
Terms and Conditions
The hotel only accepts booking registration when all required information (Name, phone number, room reservation...) are provided. The hotel's reservation department will contact the customer to reconfirm the information.
Privacy Policies
All personal information of customers when booking at The Tray Hotel is absolutely confidential.