

Hotel Policies
1. When can I check-in or check-out?
Our hotel standard check-in time is 14:00pm while check-out time is 12:00pm.
2. What is the policy regarding booking cancellations?
If you want to cancel reservation, please contact with the reservation officer 72 hours in advance, or else you will be charged for one room night.
3. Will I be charged for extra guests occupying my room?
To accommodate more guests, you need to change your reservation. You will be notified of any additional charges prior to confirming your updated reservation.
4. Can the hotel support me with a cot or crib for my children?
Yes, we do have toddler services but you have to contact reservation office in advance.
5. How far is it from your hotel to Cat Bi International Airport?
It’s only 6 kilometers to the International Airport, which only takes 10-15 minutes if you travel by car.
6. Is airport pick-up available?
Shuttle bus pick-up is available and the rate varies depending on date of pick-up. Please contact in advance for service quote.
1. I’m having trouble making online reservation, is there anyway that I can make direct reservation by phone?
You can contact us via phone number: +84 225 3828 555 or hotline: +84 911 120 188 for direct reservation assistance.
2. Will I be charged for an early check-in or late check-out?
Prearrangement is required for early check-in or late check-out  but you will be charged according to the specific time of arrival or departure.
3. Can I change or cancel a reservation once it has been made?
Yes you can change or cancel the reservation in accordance with the hotel’s cancellation policy.
4. What if I forget to change or cancel the reservation when my plans change?
Unfortunately, if you fail to cancel your reservation, you will be charged a minimum of one night's room charge and tax, billed to the credit card supplied during the reservation process.